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Abstract Details
Fuzzy Logic Control in Air Temperature and Skin Temperature in the Infant Incubator

Muslim Ali, Murtada Abdelwahab and Sally Awadekreim


Infant incubators, simulation, Sensors, FIS (Fuzzy inference system).

Premature birth is a worldwide problem. Thermoregulation is a major problem in premature infants. A novel control implementation of temperature control presented in this paper. The paper overview a model design of heat exchange between the newborn and its environment and a robust fuzzy control algorithm. The purpose of implementation is to improve the operation of controlling temperature inside incubator, two sensors required to control the incubator air temperature and skin temperature simultaneously. Fuzzy logic is used to incorporates incubator air temperature and skin temperature to control the heating. Simulation results prove that the design provides high level of output accuracy for a high dynamic input range.
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