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Frequently Asked Questions

Why to submit to IJCSMS?

IJCSMS has established itself as a professional and notable venue for publishing high quality research papers. It guarantees a maximum exposure of all its published articles in various indexing sites.

Will IJCSMS publish articles available for free?

Yes, all the papers published by IJCSMS will available for download for free. We are here to support the Open Access Publication policy.

What is the standard or quality of papers published in IJCSMS?

Like most journals, IJCSMS try to ensure publishing high quality papers, that have a significant contribution, worth for sharing an idea, a concept, a technique or a result, are considered for publication as determined by our reviewers.

May I request an extension for submitting my paper?

Yes, you may request an extension provided you give us a valid reason. Typically an extension for paper submission varies from 5-7 days.

How do I submit my paper?

First, we highly recommend authors to use the IJCSMS paper template to format their papers according to IJCSMS style. Send the paper alongwith your contact number by mailing us on these email,,

When will I receive an acknowledgement email for my submission?

Paper submissions are normally acknowledged within 1-3 days. Please be patient, do not resubmit or send us any email concerning this issue. Wait for at least 72 hours, and if you do not receive an acknowledgement email, then contact us.

My paper has not been accepted. What do I do now?

Papers not accepted on the first review round are send back to authors either for major revisions or subject to complete reject. In case a paper is not accepted (major revision required), we highly recommend authors to revise and implement the reviewers recommendations and re-submit. Each submitted paper has a maximum of 5 review rounds.

I have submitted my revised paper. What next?

Revised papers are sent to the reviewers concerned to ensure continued evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the papers. Authors are informed about the publication decision once we receive the reviewers feedback and recommendations.

My paper has been accepted, how do I register it?

Information about paper registration will be provided to you through the registration form once your paper will be accepted for publication. Currently we accept registration fees through bank wire transfer, Western Union or MoneyGram.

My paper has been published, but I cannot find it on the Web.

All published papers are normally indexed within 5 days from the date of publication and thereafter should normally be visible on the Web within 4-5 days.

ePublication Certificate. Why and When?

As a recognition of the author's contribution in IJCSMS proceedings, IJCSMS will issue an ePublication Certificate. The certificates are normally sent (via email) within 14 days from the date of publication. All certificates will be sent to the corresponding authors only. Co-authors need to contact the corresponding author.

How is IJCSMS funded?

We promise that access to the research published in IJCSMS journal will remain free. However, as there is no charge to access the research, there is an article-processing charge for all published articles. As a scientific publisher, IJCSMS obviously has to be profitable to survive as a service for the scientific community. We believe that if we add value to raw data, we are entitled to charge for access to it. If a journal commissions topical or thematic reviews, and so helps individuals orientate themselves amidst the complexity of available research, it may have a subscription charge. However, once again, we promise that access to all research will remain free.

Why does IJCSMS has article-processing charges?

Publishing with open access is not without costs. IJCSMS defrays those costs from article-processing charges, because there is no charge to access its research content, believing instead that immediate, world-wide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research articles is in the best interests of the scientific community.

Where is my article publication money going?

Publication fees are used to pay for several expenses:

  • Manuscript handling from submission to publication
  • Electronic composition and production
  • Server and website update and maintenance
  • Electronic archiving
  • ePublication Certificate
  • Administrative expenses and other overheads

IJCSMS group in Facebook. Should I join?

We invite all academics and researchers to join our group in Facebook and to participate in active discussion threads. The IJCSMS group is an ideal place to meet researchers and try to collaborate on new projects, share thoughts, experiences and ideas and of course to socialise.

I would like to join the Editorial Board.

We welcome applications to join the Editorial Board. Write to us and send us your complete CV. Please kindly allow 3-4 weeks for processing your application.

I would like to join the Reviewers Committee.

You will have to fill in the Reviewers Registration Form. Please kindly allow 10-14 days for processing your application.

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